Sunday, April 08, 2007

Phew, just in time....

finished this little fella just in time for Easter today, he has already been adopted by Evie and christened Ra-ra (and smothered in chocolate kisses already). As you can probably tell, he is the 1st crocheted anything i have made besides granny squares, even so i'm quite pleased with him, in spite of the now rather large callousy lump i have on my finger, perhaps my next project will be a little cushioned crochet finger glove!!!

Ewan and Evie had fun looking for eggs at mums today, they both came home laden with large amounts of chocolate (which i am sure i can help them whittle down!!)

1 comment:

TopCat76 said...

what a fab bunny!! LOVE evie's coat!! I think I could have something for your callously finger... a rubber thimble, I'll pop one in the post for you tom!